GLTN partners review land tools to further strengthen and increase their dissemination, uptake and impact

The Global Land Tool Network has successfully reviewed its land tools portfolio at a two-day workshop held in Nairobi on 5th and 6th September 2022. The hybrid workshop sought to provide a forum for GLTN partners and colleagues to present and review progress made in the development of innovative and appropriate land tools and learn about their uptake and impact at country level in enhancing capacity within the land sector to promote land tenure security for all. The workshop was attended by more than 80 participants representing more than 20 GLTN partners from all the five clusters within the network. The first day commenced with an overview of the status of GLTN tool development. This was followed by partners presenting on recently developed land tools such as Land Rights and Climate Change, Tenure Responsive Land Use Planning, Valuation of Unregistered Land and a Commonhold Tool for Vertical Urban Development. Interactive discussions on the potential, limitations and testing of these new tools were held at length.

A snapshop of the online participants of the GLTN Land Tools review workshop held in September 2022

The second day of the workshop saw the presentation of case studies on implementation and impact of GLTN and complimentary land tools. Case studies presented were on Land Policy Development in Uganda and Nepal, Land Tenure System Digitalization in Namibia, Land Rights Registration in Zambia and the Philippines, Fit-for-purpose Land Rights’ Recordation for displaced communities in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Sudan and Land-based Finance in fragile states. An interactive discussion on the gaps, priority areas and proposed future actions was held. The extraordinary range of experience and expertise present in the meeting served as a tribute to the great work done by the Network, while the proceedings highlighted the serious nature of the land challenges being faced worldwide and the critical importance of carrying the work forward with renewed energy. Downloads: Report Global Land Tool Network partners’ land tools review workshop 5-6 Sept 2022: A summary report Documents and presentations: Welcome, programme and speakers: GLTN tools review workshop Concept and programme: GLTN tools review workshop Land tool development: An overview, by Danilo Antonio (GLTN) Climate‐resilient land administration: A framework for national and settlement level implementation, by David Mitchell (RMIT) Tenure‐responsive Land Use Planning (TR‐LUP): Progress review, by Uchendu Eugene Chigbu (NUST) Valuation of unregistered land - A practice manual: A tool to support the valuation of unregistered land, by Ben Elder (RICS) A solution to urban sprawl issue: Vertical title schemes, by Catherine Souares (UINL) Land reform implementation: GLTN contribution, tools and progress - The Uganda experience Land policy development in Nepal: Evolution and implementation, by Raja Ram Chhatkuli (GLTN) The computer-based flexible land tenure system, by Judith Middleton (GIZ) Land rights’ registration successes in the Philippines: Enhancing tenurial security of indigenous peoples Fit for Purpose Land Administration in customary settings: Case of Chamuka Chiefdom, Zambia, by David Katungula Land rights for displaced communities, by Ombretta Tempra (GLTN) Land-based finance tools applied in fragile states, by Giulia Lavagna (GLTN)